Articolo 3 Observatory of discrimination works to prevent and contrast discrimination and assault for any and all risk factors acknowledged by the European legislation, also in cooperation with Public Administrations and singular individuals. The association offers society the right perception of the gravitas of discriminatory actions and attitudes and betters the feeling of safety and knowledge of personal rights amongst minorities, groups and people victims of discrimination.
Anti-discrimination Desk
The desk is a place for listening and for legal counsel, available to every person who is a victim or witness of discrimination or assault. We propose a means to remove forms of discrimination and to have them judged in conformity to the laws in place. We work alongside legal studies specialized in the tutelage of victims of discrimination.
The association works to monitor the news to find incorrect articles with the objective to support journalists in offering a better service to the readers. We also monitor the public and private acts in order to verify that there aren't discriminatory elements, especially regarding job access and social services.
Articolo 3 organizes sensibility and information campaigns to help people recognize and contrast every form of assault and discrimination. The association creates basic and advanced educational paths. We support agencies and associations in instituting anti-discrimination desks and in implementing municipal, provincial and regional webs. Articolo 3 helps the Public Administration and companies in inserting anti-discrimination tools and diversity management inside the ethical code and inside the personnel organization.